Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Here are a few of my favorite kid quotes:

My niece Mallory:
Gentry (Mallory’s mom) says, “Mallory, say snow”
Mallory, “snow”
Gentry, “say man”
Mallory, “man”
Gentry, “say snowman”
Mallory, “see-mo”

My nephew Ethan:
When Ethan was little and I was at his house I accidentally said the word “stupid,” but before I could even finish saying it he said, “No fruit snacks for you!” I guess in his house that was the consequence for saying “bad words,” oops what was I thinking.

Ethan’s conversation with Uncle Brandt, “My dad says that video games are a waste of time. But I like wasting my time!”

On 3/26/08Ethan said, “Dad, I want to save my money that I earn for something really special.”
Mark (Ethan’s dad) said, “Oh really, what?”
Ethan, “I want to give it to Uncle Brandt and Tia Valerie so they can buy a house in Lehi and live closer to us.”

My nephew Tristan:
“Mom, how did Jesus make our bodies?”
My sister Veronika said, “Well…”
“Oh, I know. He just puts us together like Legos.”

“Mom, is Uncle James, Aunt Kristina, and ‘that other girl’ (referring to me, his aunt) coming with us?”

One of my favorite special ed. students in my practicum this semester:
After I sneezed he said, “Kazuntight! Did you know that word is Mexican?”

One day I was in the middle of teaching reading to this student and he told me, “You look stylin today!” Needless to say that made my day!

After class I said, “Good job! You earned a swedish fish!”
The student looked at the fish in his hand and then looked right into my eyes and said, “I wish you could earn a swedish fish.”

One of my ESL students when I was an ESL aid:One day out of the blue this student was leaving my class and said, “Happy March Day!” She said is so cute with her accent that even to this day I smile just thinking about it and it happened over 3 years ago.


Janese said...

Hi Valerie! This is Janese Pearson. I used to live in the trailer court. I can't believe I found you!! You look amazing!! I love your hair! How are things going for you guys? Well, I hope you don't mind me leaving you a comment, I just had to say hello! Hope to you hear from you soon!!

Sally said...

so funny!

Regan and Annie Duckworth said...

Kids are awesome. You are awesome for remembering all of these things.

Anonymous said...

Mallory is so cute how she will say snow and say man but when she says see-mo it doesn't sound like any of them. Mallory is soooo cute!

Larson Letters said...

How did you find me????? I am so glad you did! How are things going for you guys??? Are you still in the Trailer court??? How is school going? A lot of questions, so I will stop there. Talk to you later