Monday, August 11, 2008

Being Productive?

So many people have asked me what I have been doing during my 2-month break from work and school. Besides catching up on sleep (AKA sleeping in), watching So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway, and watching re-runs that I have already seen 3 or 4 times of Charmed, believe it or not I have spent some time doing productive or semi-productive things like…

Making beads and jewelry that I have sold to friends and family. Here are a few of my favorites…

Watering the garden (As you can tell from the picture the cherry tomatoes have turned red! This is so exciting for us!!!) and the grass, which is time consuming when you have to do it by hand.

Re-programming all my friends and family in my contact list on my new iPhone. Brandt and I love them! We highly suggest getting them, they are totally worth the money!!!

Going golfing for the first time in my life! Brandt says that I am the only person in the world who actually gets sad when the ball doesn’t land in the sand. Call me weird but my favorite part about golfing is hitting the ball out of the sand and chipping – I think that is what it is called. Ok so I need to tell you something that happened while golfing that was hilarious. At the 6th hole on the Logan River golf course there are a bunch of geese and I was scared that I would hit one. Brandt told me not to worry because he has golfed there many times and no one ever actually hits one. Well my first ball that I hit, hit a goose right in the buttocks- it literally scared the poop out of it. I love golfing and I will definitely go again.

A few other things that I have done but I don’t have pictures of are working out every night at 9pm with my friend Jessie, reading “No Doubt About It”, and attempting to cook. I’m not a natural born chef like Brandt is (it took me 3 hours to make lasagna, by the way Kristina thanks for the recipe, it was a hit!) but I figure after 5 years of marriage placing a bowl of Brandt’s favorite cereal in the oven and telling him that dinner’s in the oven is just not going to cut it anymore.


Wade said...

Glad you have enjoyed your summer. I'm excited to see you and visit over lunch. Wade will be really jealous that you got iphones he wants one so bad.

Unknown said...

WOW! What a fun summer. I am not going to let Andrew see this post because then he will want me to learn how to golf! I love the necklaces you made they are darling!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry val, chipping is my favorite part of golfing too, and my favorite golf club is most definitely the pitching wedge! if i could tee off with that one, i would, but we should all go golfing together sometime, that would be so fun. and p.s. i love your story about the goose, it's hilarious! haha :)

The Smith said...

And you said you didn't get much done this summer...look at all you brought to life- beads, tomatoes, a new devise to keep your already immaculate organizational skills in one convenient place, and a love for sand and geese:)

Rachel said...

Valerie you are so great these are really funny stories! hey we need to go to the conference this Sat. I 'll call you!

Joanne said...

Hey guys! This is the Davis Family that used to be in your ward. We found your blog and love it! You can check ours out if you'd like! Glad to see you're both doing so well!

Lara Family said...

Hi Valerie! This is Angie Anderson, your roommate from Snow, long ago. I found your blog on Nikol's and was so excited to say hi, and see how you are doing.
P.S. I love the jewlery!

The Larsen's said...

Hey Val, It was good to see you at Colette's wedding. Hope to hear from you soon. I have a blogspot now and it's What's new in your life and how is your last semester coming? Hope to see you again soon.

Beckie and Erick said...

really cute jewelry and cute hair!